“Aw but it’s a big day! Here, have a lollipop.” The banker said.

I smirked, “Thanks, purple’s fine.”


Now Tuesday. Well Tuesday was going to be me doing whatever. I figured the best thing for today was some solitude wandering through the French Quarter and areas Mom and I hadn’t explored. Maybe I’d find some food or something, maybe I’d buy myself some neat things. Whatever I ended up doing, I was glad to not be at home. Why? Well, there’s your mystery of the day.

I woke up late on purpose, but still made it down to the French Quarter by ten. I’d eaten cereal at the rental, so I wasn’t hungry. I drove down Canal street and found a parking lot in a nice shaded area near a mall. It was going to be an expensive parking day but hey, still cheaper than two taxis to and from I’d say.

The walk over to the FQ was about half a mile, but that’s nothing. I walked around taking photo after photo of the surrounding areas. I stopped in some shops and went past some others. I like the older shops. That’s my thing. Bourbon Street was empty, except for a few owners who were waiting for the masses to come.

“Hey there, Beautiful. ” A semi- tall man stopped me in the middle of the street. “What are you in the mood for? Food or Drinks or both?”

“Well neither at the moment.” I smiled. He took my hand to offer a friendly shake.

Great, I thought to myself, I’m gonna be here five minutes trying to be nice but get on my way.

I mostly just smiled at him as he spoke, and eventually got around to saying:

“Thanks, I’ll be sure to keep it in mind for when I’m in the mood to eat. ” I waved and smiled, beginning to walk backwards to continue down Bourbon Street. He kept waving and calling “Bye” to me as I finally faced forwards to walk.

Interesting start to the day. About three more older men would be waving hi and calling me beautiful before the day was over. Not sure what to do with that, so let’s move on, shall we?

As I made my way further down Bourbon street, I saw people washing their streets off with soapy water. I figured that had to do with the drunken messes from the previous night. While it was helpful for the street cleanliness, it was not helpful for the smell that lingered on and on the length of the street, a stench probably full of who knows what after so many years.

I was weaving between cars, ladders and water puddles as I kept moving down the street. I also walked down – pause one sec while I’m interrupted by the third time this morning by people asking me if this is cafe du monde. I am not at cafe du monde, that place is busy, with a long line. To me, a beignet, is a beignet; a doughnut is a doughnut, and If I don’t have to wait in a long line with a bunch of tourists, I’m not going to. I’ve told them all to go down the street, it’ll be on the right, with the same banner. People. I hate people.

Where was I? Ah yes, I was wandering Bourbon Street, and then started turning around into random places, street after street. I came upon the ACLU group, chatted with one guy, and promised I would help when I got home, but for now I was on vacation.

I continued on may way, turning corners and maneuvering around slow people and finding various musicians all over. It was peaceful for awhile, then it started to get busier and busier. I started going into stores. Most had the same things, door handles, postcards, various carved decorations and painted tiles. I found a couple old and new jewelry pieces for myself. I’m on vacation and when I’m on vacation I don’t always think about budgets. If I were traveling all the time I might be concerned but, who knows if I’ll be back here or when I’ll travel next so, here I am.

More walking around the busy, colorful and old streets. Through the Jackson Square, past all the artists showing off their work to sell. It was quite the area. Musicians playing randomly, the carriages and horses, plus the artists. From early morning till late at night these people would sit and sell and some even work as they sit. Most hang a sign that says “Please no photos.” I saw one that said “No photos, I have enough copycats already.” Don’t we all?

It was about this time where my shoes were failing me. After coming upon Pirate alley, I decided I needed to find some shoes to replace these that were giving me blisters. I walked all around but did not find a pair I liked nor was I about to spend 130$ on a pair of shoes – a hat maybe if it’s decent enough, but walking shoes never.

Eventually I’d resolve to adventure a road trip to find a target and a pair of $10 shoes that were basically just like the vintage blue ones with a thin red string bow that I was currently wearing except for the fact that they were new, black, and weren’t worn down to the soul (and no, not a typo, shoes have souls too).

And by a road trip, I mean a road trip I was near Baton Rouge I think when I found one. I had just kept on driving. Crazy huh? Louisiana has a lot of swamps by the way.

So after my impromptu road trip that took me further than I probably had to go to find a cheap pair of shoes, I was back home dropping things off. As I was beginning to change into my pajamas because I remembered I had to go to the bank to get my new card, as I had been sent a Fraud Alert that someone was trying to use my card online to buy something where I’d never purchased something before. This was Saturday when Mom was still here. The man I spoke to on the phone said he could mail it to the bank, and I’d be able to get it on Tuesday. No problem right??

Guess again.

I go to the bank and no one has a clue to what I’m talking about. I show them the number and etc, and then apparently UPS tried to deliver but didn’t think it was going to the bank and needed a suite number because nothing on the envelope indicated the bank, etc. Then there’s a policy about how the bank isn’t supposed to have things mailed there, yada yada.

I gave him my ID and things, and then he gave me a lollipop. Random.

“Okay, so basically I just gotta call UPS and figure out where the thing is, and maybe pick it up there, right?” I asked the guy. He said, yes, so I thanked him and went back to the silver little car that I would lose the next day, and went home to yell at UPS.

Okay, I didn’t yell. I just asked what location it was at and decided that it would be my early trip the next morning.

My evening was full of more grilled cheese, soup, vegan ice cream and sweet potato beer, and that was it. I’d spent alllllll day in the French Quarter wandering, spending money, getting yelled at by random people, taking lots of photos and just keeping it easy. I had a few phone calls and texts with friends. Leos was sick and paying his bills, Jay was closing up work, Zish was hanging out as she and I planned to figure out the Hobbitness for me and the group. Tiff was, hmm she was either with my cat or grandma. I forget at the moment, and I think I deleted those texts to clear space in my phone for more photos (Sorry Tiff!)..

I called my parents too, as they had taken my car in. 2 grand to fix brakes…awesome. Merry Christmas, they’re paying for half. Thanks Mom & Dad. We’re a practical family – logical. Might as well be Vulcans.

End Day 4 in New Orleans, Day 5 would be plantations and another phone call with Grandma.