*Prrrrrrrrrrtt* The teenage boys sat on the edge of the dock eating premade chicken nuggets. All three were in raggedy shirts and sweatshirts. One with a large tear in the rear of his pants (revealing superman boxers) let a very loud fart, which made everyone on the dock turn. His friends hi-fived him. 5am approached…
Chapter 12: Hassles & Hobbits
“How’d it go?” Asked the staff member. “Good, got everything I needed to, thanks!” I said. I thanked her a couple times for her help. She’d been crazy patient. Most of my days began with a cafe stop in Petone, a few have started in the city, but not many. Today was Petone for sure.…
Chapter 11: Shag & the Sanctuary
“When do we get back, Dad?” asked the boy, kicking rocks along the tree covered path. “Soon.” Dad answered, leading the way through the twists and turns in the Sanctuary. When they day started out, I didn’t really know what I was going to do. I’d had several things I wanted to do on Thursday,…
Where be posts?!
Two more posts to rewrite, and then two mini ones after that. Upcoming: Chapter 13: Sammy, Seuss, & the Sea Mini Chapter 2: Dinner at the Dog Mini Chapter 3: Bus & Books Chapter 14: Christmas Craziness Chapter 15: Relocating to Rotorua See you soon!
Chapter 10: Frank & the Ferry
“Let’s sit on top. ” The guy suggests. “Ew, no! Too windy, my hair’ll get all mussed. ” The german girl argues, making the decision for the entire group. Did they really have to be on my ferry, AGAIN? Today was a day for a new direction. I’d been taking the bus that goes around…
Chapter 9: Cafes & Cuba
“I threw it away, it was meltin’ everywhere!” The father replied. They argued some more, I guess the boys were not behaving, and it was the only thing that had kept them sitting. The day did not start out super awesome. I headed out a bit earlier than normal, with a lot to write from…
Chapter 8: The Rover to Rivendell
” You shouldn’t have lent him that. ” Commented Paul, pointing at Tom and his newly acquired toy. ” You’re never going to see it again.” I totally agreed. The Wellington Rover was going to pick me up at the Civic Center at 8:30, so I had to get up early and take the bus…
Chapter 7: Birds, Books, and Bears
” Oh my, ” he commented, ” that’s a heavy card.” I cannot stress enough how much excitement my credit card is bringing. I think it helps to remind myself how much I’ve spent so far. I’ve seen people flip it around and stare, pet it, rotate, look up at me with questioning eyes, and…
Chapter 6: The Waterfront at Wellington
” Ah, next week? Too bad, you could have come to my birthday party!” My new bus stop friend had a very heavy accent, and to be honest, I’m not sure if he really said “birthday”. “Haha, well too bad. ” I replied. It was a standard statement, usable in almost any situation. As I…
Chapter 5: Cable Car Conundrums
” Don’t eat the carton! ” His grandpa said, laughing at the boy. ” Why ya eating the carton?” The boy was enjoying an ice cream on what probably was to them, a hot day. The metlink to Wellington from Upper Hutt stopped at every spot along the way. When we got to Petone again,…